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Juniperus Thurifera

Juniperus Thurifera
dinsdag 18 oktober 2011

This is a yamadori juniperus thurifera that i bought at Pius Notter’s place in a workshop in the spring of 2007.

In 2009 i took this tree to discuss with Hotsumi.

First i removed the weak foliage and some branches of which one has become a jin.

Afterwards we slightly changed the position to the left and i could wire the tree.

In February 2010 i repotted the tree in another pot , in future it will be in a brown red oval pot i think.

Last week i gave some attention to this tree.

Cleaned the deadwood and trunk.

Cleaned the foliage to let more light and air in it for new growth.

Now the tree needs to grow and backbud and has to get a little fuller.

This is the story of my Juniperus thurifera.

It was a enjoyable weekend and in the end he styled the trees.

After a time a wasn’t satisfied of the position of the tree,so i changed the angle of the tree in June 2007.

Beginning of April 2008 the tree was repotted and i let the tree grow for a year.

After that i styled the tree with accompaniment of hotsumi.

For the future we thought of a round red brown pot in the direction of nanban.

Still much work on the foilage.

Wired and styled it.

Think that this tree did progress rather well.

And in future a better pot.

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