Bonsai - Fishmix | 3x 250ml |
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Fishmix | 3x 250ml |
Fishmix | 3x 250ml |
Fishmix | 3x 250ml |
Fishmix | 3x 250ml |

Fishmix | 3x 250ml |


Fish Emulsion Grow Fertiliser
YAMA FishMix is a complete, all-organic fertiliser designed for use with all soil mixtures.

With an NPK ratio of 5-1-4, Fish Mix can be used all the way through the growing season to encourage healthy green foliage.

It can be used as either a soil drench or a foliar spray and contains no chemical additives whatsoever.

It conditions the soil, stimulating microbial activity and accelerating growth.

2 - 4 ML/L water > once a month
1 ML/L water > once a week
4 ML/L water (foliage) > once a month
1 ML/L water (foliage) > once a week

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